Winning Mindset at te WAHM Tribe Event 2020

Starting 2020 with a Winning Mindset as a WAHM

Thanks to technology, people can now work in the comfort of their own homes. This includes moms who want to earn a living to support their families, labeled as work at home mom or WAHM.

WAHM jobs include virtual assistants, ESL teachers, SEO writers, transcriptionists, and a lot more. Due to the rise of freelancers and work-at-home jobs, the number of support groups also rose especially on Facebook.

One of these support groups is WAHM Tribe. It’s a support and learning group for Pinay Moms who want to grow a thriving online career by leveraging the power of social media.’ And last January 26, they held an event entitled, “Soar High WAHM Tribe: Start 2020 With A Winning Mindset.


The event was held at Triumph Building, 1610 Quezon Avenue, attended by MOMpreneurs and WAHMs led by Ms. Leigh Anne Cadiente of Mommy Leigh – The WAHM Diva and founder of WAHM Tribe. Hosted by two very lively mommies, Keiko Tsukiyono and Gela Sebastian. Assisted by the mommies of WAHM Tribe namely: Ems, Ayen, Villie, Laurice, Iyah, Eva, and Christine.

WAHM Tribe

I personally do not know anyone in the event so giving time for moms to network with others is great before the event proper. It’s a surprise that I have met some and engaged with them online already, I am just not familiar with their faces.

Ms. Leigh officially started the event with a prayer followed by the opening remark made by Ms. JP Espino, an architect and a single mom, founder of The Digital Architect. She is an ex-OFW who now works full time online, teaching Digital Marketing Strategies to Design professionals with a mission to inspire, motivate, and help improve lives.

JP Espino

The event then proceeded with 3 mini-talks, as well as 2 major talks from different WAHMs with snacks and icebreakers in between (pass the message and Tala dance).

Setting Goals by Iyah Aguilar

Iyah Aguilar

Iyah Aguilar is a registered nurse turned WAHM and also an entrepreneur who owns Kaika Skincare. She works as a virtual assistant, graphic designer, and social media manager.

She talked about setting goals and how to achieve it. Takeaways:

  • Set specific goals and commit to them.
  • Determine your why.
  • Use the S.M.A.R.T criteria in setting goals. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Bound.

Latest Work from Home Trends by Eva Bagos

Eva Bagos

Eva Bagos is also a WAHM and an entrepreneur who owns KikayLine and EVA Digital Solutions. As a WAHM, she offers social media management, graphic design, and virtual assistance. The latest work from home trends discussed by Ms. Eva:

  • Ecommerce – she talked about the what, who, where, and how about online selling.
  • Blogging – Blog niches that make money: Parenting, Health and Wellness, Financial/Saving Money, Lifestyle/Travel, Christian Blogs. She also talked about the ways on how to earn from blogging.
  • Vlogging – video blog mostly uploaded on Youtube. She discussed how to become a vlogger and the requirements for your videos to be monetized.
  • Freelancing – she enumerated the most common freelance jobs. These are VA, SMM, graphic design, web dev, and online ESL tutor.

How to Leverage the Power of Social Media

Karen Sta Juana

Mommy Geneva Manuel’s supposed to discuss the topic but she wasn’t able to attend, so this was presented by Mommy Leigh and Karen Sta Juana.

Karen is also a work at home mom and an entrepreneur who owns CK2Store. The following outline was discussed:

  • The impact of social media in today’s generation
  • Top mistakes that online sellers make
  • Top social media platforms
  • Social media trends
  • Why social media is important for businesses
  • How to start selling on social media from scratch
  • Free social media mobile apps

Financial Empowerment by Shiela Alvarez

Sheila Alvarez is a Registered Financial Planner and Licensed Executive Financial Advisor. She is also the Area Manager at Provide, the event venue sponsor, and owner of Mommy Grows Money. She discussed the following topics:

  • Live the life you choose (Dreams vs. Reality)
  • Start with a plan to achieve your dreams
  • Make money work for you
  • Apply the prosperity formula
  • Review your financial goals regularly
  • Time is key
  • Why should you do business
  • Why should you join Provide

and last, but not the least is…

Mindset by Kat Salonga

Kat Salonga

Kat Salonga is a Web Designer, Sales Funnel Strategist, and an NLP Practitioner. In addition, here’s the link to her website for more of the skills that she offers – Here are my takeaways:

  • Don’t compete with others (it should be community over competition)
  • Find something that you LOVE doing
  • How to combat #mombrain: braindump every night, communicate with yourself, keep a journal, take care of mental health
  • Cut off people that are toxic
  • Have a social media detox once in a while
  • Put yourself first, you cannot give what you don’t have
  • Meditate, do affirmation, visualize
  • Above all, PRAY.

Sadly, I had to leave even it’s not finished yet. There’s still Q&A and a bonus topic from Mommy Leigh (Prospecting Clients on Facebook), hopefully, I get to listen to her bonus topic in the future.

My 2-hour trip from Bulacan to QC is so worth it. Indeed, the event is truly amazing and packed with so many learnings! If ever they do this again, I will absolutely recommend it to the WAHMs and to those moms who would like to learn more about working from home.


Attendees got a loot bag and giveaway items from:
Nu Manileña
Baby B’s Closet Shop
Mia Marcelle’s Collections
TJAdventures Travel and Tours
EiVa’s Gift Shoppe
Mommy Grows Money
Mother Nurture

Event Venue is Sponsored By:
Provide Innovative Solutions Marketing, Inc.

Personal Accident Insurance worth 50k by:
AXA Philippines

Attendees also got a Certificate of Recognition signed by Mommy Leigh.

WAHM Certificate of Recognition

***The only regret that I have is that my photos did not turn out well. 🙁 I usually use my phone on taking pictures, I guess it doesn’t work well if I take photos from afar. Time to invest in a good phone or a camera. What do you think?


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