• Winning Mindset at te WAHM Tribe Event 2020

    Starting 2020 with a Winning Mindset as a WAHM

    Thanks to technology, people can now work in the comfort of their own homes. This includes moms who want to earn a living to support their families, labeled as work at home mom or WAHM. WAHM jobs include virtual assistants, ESL teachers, SEO writers, transcriptionists, and a lot more. Due to the rise of freelancers and work-at-home jobs, the number of support groups also rose especially on Facebook. One of these support groups is WAHM Tribe. It’s ‘a support and learning group for Pinay Moms who want to grow a thriving online career by leveraging the power of social media.’ And last January 26, they held an event entitled, “Soar…

  • Upwork Logo

    How to Get an Upwork Identity Verification Badge

    Last April 23, I received an email from Upwork that freelancers now have the opportunity to earn an Upwork Identity Verification Badge. It was not required back then so, I just moved on. But then last September 24, I received another email from them saying that this is now required. Why did Upwork require the Identity Verification Badge? According to their email, Upwork video verification is now required for the Identity Verification Badge to help keep Upwork safe and fraud-free. They received feedback from clients that this information is important when hiring virtual assistants. For the freelancers, those who have an Identity Verified badge receive more job invitations. If a freelancer…

  • Upwork Anniversary

    How I Started my Freelancing Journey

    It seems like I just started. 🙂 Never crossed my mind before that I would be doing this for a long time. Read on for the story of ‘how I started my freelancing journey. **Got this from my old blog. Written last year, back when I was just writing for myself. haha 2010, I was in my second year as a customer service representative of a BPO company when I heard about Odesk. As I was bored with my job at that time, I signed up and applied for several job posts in Odesk. I received responses from clients, but I didn’t take them seriously. Little did I know that this…