work at home mom

4 Benefits of Being a Work at Home Mom

Have you ever considered quitting your office job and be a work at home mom (freelancer) to take care of your kids? If yes, what are your hesitations? Freelancing has its pros and cons. But today, I will share with you the benefits that I am getting from being a work at home mom.

1. More Time with Family

I started freelancing in 2016. When I gave birth, I was thinking of going back to an office-based job to earn. But then, who will take care of my son? Getting a babysitter was not an option as the income at that time was just enough. Good thing, I stayed working from home. I get to earn and help with expenses while taking care of my son full-time, witnessed and rejoiced with him on every milestone. I get to spend time with him and my husband without worrying that I have to go outside of the house to work.

2. I Don’t Have to Deal with Traffic

As the traffic situation here in the Philippines gets worse, I am just thankful that I don’t have to deal with it by working at home.

3. Flexible Working Hours

We live in the province but my husband works in Metro Manila. I don’t have someone to help me with taking care of my son and do house chores during the day. Because of that, I do not apply for full-time jobs online as I won’t be able to commit my time especially now that my 3-yr old son demands more time from me. With freelancing, I can do jobs from clients requiring a few hours per day only or from clients who allow working with flexible hours as long as you finish the project before the deadline.

4. Ability to Earn More

I agree that being an employee in an office-based job gives you more benefits in terms of guaranteed monthly income, insurance, and other perks. But, as we have flexible working hours working from home, we can take more projects from several clients, therefore we can earn more. The key is to learn more skills that we can offer to the clients by taking advantage of the freelancing courses online.

For the insurance, you can always avail yourself and pay voluntarily. There are a lot of companies that provide health insurance, personal accident insurance, life insurance, and a lot more types of insurance that we can avail of. This is very important, especially for unpredictable circumstances that can happen in our lives.

These are just some of the advantages of being a freelancer/work-at-home mom. Whilst freelancing is not for everybody, this is what works for us now. I will update this list every now and then and list the disadvantages as well some other time.


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