Prevent COVID-19 by handwashing

Experts say handwashing with soap and water is still the best way to prevent COVID-19

While the search continues for a cure for COVID-19, the best way anyone can do at the moment is to prevent it.

The Department of Health is one with the World Health Organization and the USA’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention in saying that the best way to prevent COVID-19 from spreading is to kill the novel coronavirus before it enters the body.

How does COVID-19 spread?

COVID-19 is contracted when the novel coronavirus enters the body. Respiratory viruses like the novel coronavirus, the flu, and the common cold can be spread via the hands. An infected person’s hands can touch some mucus, viral particles will stick to the hands and then transfer to whatever they touch.

If someone is well, hands act like sticky traps for viruses and can pick up droplets that contain the novel coronavirus, which stay on the hands, and enter the body if the hands touch the face.

Prevent COVID-19 Spread using hygienix

Best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19

To ensure that this does not happen, experts recommend that everyone must wash their hands thoroughly. They say that handwashing with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds, is still the top method to prevent the spread of COVID-19, and other diseases.

Hygienix fully supports the fight against COVID-19. Its frontline weapon: the Hygienix Germicidal Soap which kills 99.99% of viruses, germs and common disease-causing bacteria.  Washing the hands with Hygienix Germicidal Soap and water destroys viruses by pulling them apart, disintegrating them and flushing them down the drain.

Hygienix Germicidal Soap

Another benefit for using Hygienix Germicidal Soap is that it has a non-drying formula and a refreshing scent. That means you can use it as frequently as possible, make it an essential, and an enjoyable part of your daily lifestyle!

By keeping sanitized with Hygienix Germicidal Soap– along with other measures like drinking vitamins, wearing face masks, staying home and observing social distancing, the war against COVID-19 could soon be won.

*Splash, the makers of Hygienix, knows fully well the crucial role it plays, especially during this time of COVID-19. They assure the public that they are working round the clock to keep up with the higher demand so that their soap and alcohol products will be continuously available in the market.

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