Covid-19 Prayer for medical professionals, caregivers, and researchers

COVID-19 Prayer: #Day13LuzonLockdown

Today, we are on Day 13 of Luzon lockdown because of COVID-19. There’s nothing I can do but to share updates and reminders on my socials on how to not get affected by the virus. Below is our COVID-19 prayer.

The rising number of confirmed cases is alarming. Because we are not frontliners, what we can do is stay at home, follow what the government and medical professionals say, and pray for those who are in need.

Today, let us all pray for medical professionals, caregivers, and researchers responsible for fighting COVID-19.

Covid-19 prayer for medical professionals, caregivers, and researchers.
SOURCE of prayer:


God, as more people get sick, healthcare workers and first responders are working longer hours with fewer supplies and with more risk of contracting the new coronavirus themselves. Renew their energy and sustain them on long shifts. Bring Your protection upon them as they work with patients. Multiply their supplies so they have the protective items needed to stay safe on the job.

Inspire and invigorate the research doctors developing better tests to diagnose the virus, create vaccines to prevent it, and identify protocols to eliminate the disease’s spread.

Praying also that this would stop soon and nobody gets infected anymore.

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. —Psalm 23:4 (NIV)

COVID-19 cases worldwide as of March 28, 2020

Total worldwide cases: 598,070
Worldwide deaths: 27,761
Total worldwide recoveries: 131,772
Countries/ regions affected: 177

Philippines Cases:

Confirmed: 1,075
Deceased: 68
Recovered: 35

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One Comment

  • Rae

    I’ll include this in our daily rosary with my family. Indeed, let’s all pray and this shall be over soon! We can do this as long as we trust God and help ourselves too.

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