How to make crispy kangkong

Crispy Kangkong Recipe

The only vegetable that my son eats without complaint is kangkong (water spinach). We usually steam it or put it in sinigang but last night, I tried making crispy kangkong and he liked it. Yay! So, I’m sharing the recipe here.

How to Cook Crispy Kangkong

Crispy Kangkong


a bundle of kangkong
1 egg
a cup of water
1 cup flour
1/2 cup cornstarch
oil (enough for deep frying)

Cooking Procedure

  1. Remove the kangkong leaves from the stalk. Wash, drain, and let it dry.
  2. Beat the egg, then mix it with water, flour, cornstarch, salt, and pepper.
  3. Add the kangkong leaves. Make sure that all leaves are coated with batter.
  4. Heat the oil in a pot.
  5. Put the leaves and deep fry until it’s crispy and golden brown.
  6. Strain the crispy kangkong or place it on a plate with table napkin to remove excess oil.

And that’s it! You can serve it with mayonnaise, mixed soy sauce and vinegar, or just plain vinegar. Enjoy!

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