Small talk and awkwardness
Small talk, casual conversations. The…
‘Hey, how are you doing?’
‘I’m good. You?’ ‘Yeah, feeling great too!’ or ‘Not that great…’ And then, awkward silence.
Have you been in the same boat? The awkwardness. Think a hundred times before you utter a single word or a nonsensical question to break the silence.
You sometimes wait for the other party to talk or keep silent until one leaves the area. Haha
I thought I was weird. That it was just me who was like this. But I’m not. I saw a lot of people like this, too! Yey. haha
I remember being branded as a snob because I didn’t say ‘Hi!’ to someone I barely knew who lived in the same town. I haven’t talked to that person until now. Nyaay
It’s not that I’m not interested. The thing is, I’m shy. Or, I don’t know what to say. And there are times when I don’t want to talk at all.
But it’s a different case with family members, close relatives, or friends. I can be talkative depending on who I’m with, the environment, or the situation, or be quiet just because. Yeah, I’m weird like that.
I should exchange my 1-hour non-stop convo with someone for a few hours of silence. To recharge. Else, I’ll just stare at you or just listen. Please don’t ask me to say anything afterward. Haha
Don’t let me talk in front of a lot of people; I might cry or get teary-eyed. Why? It’s uncomfortable. If needed, I’ll write a note and read it. Otherwise, I’ll just embarrass myself.
So why am I telling you this now? No reason; I just needed to let it all out of my head.
I was in an awkward situation a while ago, and I don’t know if I have to make small talk or just let the silence take over. After a few minutes of debating inside my head, the latter won. Haha
** In the next few months or maybe years, you’ll see nonsense blogs like this here. I promised myself to write out these things in my head. As my new motto says, “LOSE THAT LUMP or LOSE YOURSELF.”