Personal Musings


You came unexpectedly, I felt nothing but average.

Teased each other, you erased my ennui.

How fast time has been, I felt something, denial came in.

Told myself you are a mediocre and I’m just enjoying.

But see, you are diligent, entrusted your past to me

       Promised you’ll wait and we’ll live happily.

Immersed myself with your phrases but it turned out as eddy.

At work you failed, I understand.

       How come it is me you dumped?

You said we’re not meant to be.

       Well it seemed that you used me!

Then I recognized, bitter, I was hurt and cried.

Hope you will realize that someone fell in love with you by surprise.

I gave up. Forced myself to live and make up.

Thanked myself for not drinking my own potion and illusion.

Letting go of my makeshift dejection.

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