Converge Billing Statement

How to check your Converge Billing Statement (SOA)

I can’t remember when’s the last time we received our Converge Billing Statement (SOA) — cable and internet plan. I called their customer service more than a year ago to ask why am I not receiving it anymore. The agent I talked to told me that all SOA will now be sent to the registered email address, but I haven’t received any.

We just ended up paying our monthly bill without the SOA because it’s a fixed amount anyway. There even came a time that they cut our connection without any notice. When I called to ask why, they said we missed a month of payment because of the adjusted billing period. What? When did they adjust it? Oh! They posted an update on their Facebook page. Surprise!🤦

Converge Billing Statement

I searched if there’s any other way to obtain our bill and found out about “Converge – Get SOA Beta“. It’s a selfservice portal where you can download your billing statement. Finally! So, here’s how it works.

Step 1

Converge Billing Statement Step 1

Visit, works best with latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari. Enter your Converge account number and agree to their Privacy Policy.

Step 2

Converge Billing Statement Step 2

Confirm that they have your correct email address and mobile number. Please make sure that you still have the mobile number that you used to register.

Step 3

Converge SOA Step 3

You will receive an alphanumeric one-time password. Submit it to validate that you are the owner of the account.

Step 4

Converge SOA Step 4

The site will then provide you the list of your Converge monthly billing (statement of account) with a link to download each. It will show you the usual details: Account number, SOA number, Statement Date, covered Billing Period, Minimum Due, Total Amount, any adjustments, Due Date, etc.

I’m not sure if it’s just me or if others don’t receive their bill as well, but I’m sharing this anyway. No more missed payments and surprise cutting of connection, yey!

We have been using Converge since 2017, experienced it first in Batangas, and subscribed to their plan when we moved in Bulacan. So far, aside from the SOA and connection problems recently, we are happy subscribers.

What internet provider are you using? If you are using Converge, how do you receive your monthly bill? Please share in the comment section.

DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT AN EMPLOYEE OF CONVERGE, just shared my own experience. I had to put a disclaimer in this post as I receive a lot of comments and concerns about Converge. 😀

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