• Mommy Blogger Cover Photo Lifestyle Blog

    On How I Became a Mommy Blogger and a Content Creator, a Blog Anniversary Post

    A little less than two years ago, I was asking myself what kind of a blogger I would be. I can’t decide what I should write at that time, I just know that I want to do this. So I hopped in and created this blog, just so I can start my long-time dream and not procrastinate anymore. After a lot of thinking, I decided to become a mommy blogger. At first, I was just writing random things about being a mom and some poems. When I knew that a lot of bloggers have their own Facebook page to share their blogs, I turned my ‘quotes page’ to be the…

  • Influencer Marketing

    7 Influencer Marketing Tips for Beginners

    In this digital age, as of January 2021, the Philippines’ total internet penetration is now at 67% with an equivalent number of social media users that is 80.7% of the total population. With these recorded numbers, despite the slow internet connection in the country, it is but fitting to say that the Philippines has taken the global leader when it comes to at least one measure, and that is the total time spent on Social media, according to a marketing firm and a social media management platform We Are Social. Having said that, we are pretty sure it is inevitable that, in one way or the other, you have been…