Sinigang na Bangus Recipe

Sinigang na Bangus Recipe

One of the easiest dishes to cook, for me, is Sinigang na Bangus. “…it is a Filipino soup or stew characterized by its sour and savoury taste most often associated with tamarind (Filipino: sampalok). It is one of the more popular dishes in Filipino cuisine.” – Wikipedia

For this recipe, I used boneless milkfish because it is easier to eat, especially if you have a toddler. You can either have the milkfish deboned in the wet market or buy one in the supermarket.

Sinigang na Bangus Recipe
I know, I know! I’ll take a better photo next time. 🙂🙂


1 Bangus (Milkfish, Cleaned and Sliced)
2 onions sliced
3 tomatoes sliced
20g pack Knorr Sinigang sa Sampalok Mix Original
1 L water
a bunch of kangkong (water spinach), separate the leaves from the stalks
1 bundle sitaw (string beans)
2 sili pangsigang (long green chili, optional)
Okra (optional)
1 tbsp patis (fish sauce)


  1. Put tomatoes and onion in a pot of water and let it boil for 10 minutes.
  2. Add 1 pack of Knorr Sinigang sa Sampaloc Mix, stir.
  3. Add the milkfish and let it boil, add the fish sauce.
  4. Put the string beans and kangkong stalks and your preferred veggies.
  5. Cover the pot and let it boil for another 5 mins.
  6. Turn the heat off then put the kangkong leaves.

And that’s how I cook our Sinigang na Bangus. You can adjust the taste according to your liking. As for me and my family, these ingredients are enough for our tastebuds.

PS. I also share recipes and other food posts on my Facebook Page. Hope you can follow me there, also. TIA.

How about you? How do you cook your Sinigang na Bangus? Or if you tried this specific recipe, let me know your thoughts in the comment section.

Thanks for reading!


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